Tuesday, June 4, 2013



In June of 2007, Laney, Katie and I came down from Newberry to visit her parents.  We were going to come in on a Friday, stay most of the day on Saturday, then head back out late Saturday night so I could be back and ready to preach that morning.  That was our plans, but that isn’t the way things worked out.  Instead, I was visited by something called a Partially Obstructed Bowel.  I know that it may sound like a whole ton of fun, but it wasn’t.  I actually spent Saturday, Sunday, and most of Monday in the Winter Haven Hospital.

Over the years, I have found a funny side of the experience, however, at the time; there wasn't anything worth laughing about. In point of fact, I was scared out of my mind. I didn't know what was going on, and with my family history, I could only imagine the possibilities.
As I lay in the emergency room early that Saturday morning, I started thinking. I actually found myself wondering if I was going to make it. Yes, I know how melodramatic that sounds, but that's how sick I was at the time. So, there I was, in that grim frame of mind, when I looked over at Laney. There she sat, reading a book, and occasionally wiping my face with a cool rag. As I lay there, I began to think about all the times that I had let her down, or said something in anger, or acted in a way that I shouldn't have done, and suddenly it was too much. I just couldn't allow something to happen without letting her know how much I loved her. So, I looked at her and said, "I want you to know, that no matter what happens, I love you and Katie more than I can say." It felt so good to be able to say that, and then know that she and Katie would always know how I felt.
In that moment, I was fully aware of the brevity of life. I suddenly understood that I was 100% mortal, and that this life doesn't go on forever. The only thing I wanted to do was say what needed saying before it was too late. I wonder how many people today have things, which they need to say; yet they hesitate to do so. I wonder, how many people have things, which they need to say to God, but yet they hesitate to say them.
This evening, I want to talk to you about the things that you might one day wish you would have said. I want to help you to see that this is the only chance we have. I want to wake us all to the reality of the ticking clock. Join me as we consider what I should have said.


1. IN the exchange between the rich young ruler and Christ, we see a man who almost had it right, but missed the mark by that much.
A. Mt 19: 16 he came asking for the secret to finding eternal life.
B. Mt 19: 17-19 without hesitation, Christ answered his question, and told him what he must do.
C. Mt 19: 20-22 the problem was that he couldn't commit to put the kingdom of God before all else in his life.
2. First, let's think of this in terms of what we should say to those we will leave behind after our death.
A. So many men, and women, put so many other things before their families.
B. Sports, shopping, housework, work, outdoor activities, friends and so much more.
C. Eph 5: 22-25 the point we so often miss, is that our families must come before jobs or activity or anything other than God.
D. Do you really want to leave this world with your spouse or children thinking that your work was more important than them to you?
3. However, we also need to understand the necessity of putting God first in all things!
A. Jer 1: 5 the truth of the matter is that God has put us above everything. He loved us before we were even born!
B. Mt 19: 21 when Christ asked the young man to leave everything, and put his kingdom first, he was only asking the man to do that which he was already doing.
C. Mk 12: 30 make sure that before it's too late, let God be first in all things!


1. The story of Demas has longed fascinated me.
A. Col 4: 14 the first mentioning of Demas is as a close friend of the apostle Paul.
B. Phile 1: 24 next he is called a fellow worker with Paul.
C. 2Tim 4: 10 the final passage concerning Demas is at the end of Paul's life, when we learn that Demas had returned to the world.
D. He is never spoken of again in scripture.
E. We never read of the apology of Demas, and his spiritual restoration.
2. Cast your mind back on all the times in which you hurt someone you loved, but because of pride or ego, you didn’t allow yourself to say sorry.
A. What would happen if you never had the chance?
B. The regret of such a decision has brought many a man to his knees.
C. Lk 15: 13-21 if an apology needs to be made, please make it before it is too late.
3. However, as important as it is to say sorry to those who we love here on earth, we need to make sure that we apologize to the one who we hurt the most.
A. Lk 16: 19-25 the rich ruler pictured here in this parable certainly wishes that he had taken time to apologize for the wrongs he had committed.
B. 2Pet 3: 10 take time to say sorry to the one whom we have most grievously offended.


1. There is an attitude which is seen in this passage which is all too familiar to us today.
A. Notice how he calls for Paul not as a man searching for answers, rather as a man who is simply curious.
B. Also, once he had heard what Paul had to say, he was so arrogant that he sent him away until some later time, as though he were guaranteed that later time.
2. How many of us refuse the invitation time after time, acting as though we are promised more time.
3. Let me ask you, what better gift can you give to your loved ones or God in Heaven, than to know that you are a faithful child of the Lord above?
A. When you’re gone, let your family live with the knowledge that you lived for Christ!
B. While you are here on earth, open the door of your heart and show obedience to the word of the Lord,



In June of 2007, Laney, Katie and I came down from Newberry to visit her parents.  We were going to come in on a Friday, stay most of the day on Saturday, then head back out late Saturday night so I could be back and ready to preach that morning.  That was our plans, but that isn’t the way things worked out.  Instead, I was visited by something called a Partially Obstructed Bowel.  I know that it may sound like a whole ton of fun, but it wasn’t.  I actually spent Saturday, Sunday, and most of Monday in the Winter Haven Hospital.

Over the years, I have found a funny side of the experience, however, at the time; there wasn't anything worth laughing about. In point of fact, I was scared out of my mind. I didn't know what was going on, and with my family history, I could only imagine the possibilities.
As I lay in the emergency room early that Saturday morning, I started thinking. I actually found myself wondering if I was going to make it. Yes, I know how melodramatic that sounds, but that's how sick I was at the time. So, there I was, in that grim frame of mind, when I looked over at Laney. There she sat, reading a book, and occasionally wiping my face with a cool rag. As I lay there, I began to think about all the times that I had let her down, or said something in anger, or acted in a way that I shouldn't have done, and suddenly it was too much. I just couldn't allow something to happen without letting her know how much I loved her. So, I looked at her and said, "I want you to know, that no matter what happens, I love you and Katie more than I can say." It felt so good to be able to say that, and then know that she and Katie would always know how I felt.
In that moment, I was fully aware of the brevity of life. I suddenly understood that I was 100% mortal, and that this life doesn't go on forever. The only thing I wanted to do was say what needed saying before it was too late. I wonder how many people today have things, which they need to say; yet they hesitate to do so. I wonder, how many people have things, which they need to say to God, but yet they hesitate to say them.
This evening, I want to talk to you about the things that you might one day wish you would have said. I want to help you to see that this is the only chance we have. I want to wake us all to the reality of the ticking clock. Join me as we consider what I should have said.


1. IN the exchange between the rich young ruler and Christ, we see a man who almost had it right, but missed the mark by that much.
A. Mt 19: 16 he came asking for the secret to finding eternal life.
B. Mt 19: 17-19 without hesitation, Christ answered his question, and told him what he must do.
C. Mt 19: 20-22 the problem was that he couldn't commit to put the kingdom of God before all else in his life.
2. First, let's think of this in terms of what we should say to those we will leave behind after our death.
A. So many men, and women, put so many other things before their families.
B. Sports, shopping, housework, work, outdoor activities, friends and so much more.
C. Eph 5: 22-25 the point we so often miss, is that our families must come before jobs or activity or anything other than God.
D. Do you really want to leave this world with your spouse or children thinking that your work was more important than them to you?
3. However, we also need to understand the necessity of putting God first in all things!
A. Jer 1: 5 the truth of the matter is that God has put us above everything. He loved us before we were even born!
B. Mt 19: 21 when Christ asked the young man to leave everything, and put his kingdom first, he was only asking the man to do that which he was already doing.
C. Mk 12: 30 make sure that before it's too late, let God be first in all things!


1. The story of Demas has longed fascinated me.
A. Col 4: 14 the first mentioning of Demas is as a close friend of the apostle Paul.
B. Phile 1: 24 next he is called a fellow worker with Paul.
C. 2Tim 4: 10 the final passage concerning Demas is at the end of Paul's life, when we learn that Demas had returned to the world.
D. He is never spoken of again in scripture.
E. We never read of the apology of Demas, and his spiritual restoration.
2. Cast your mind back on all the times in which you hurt someone you loved, but because of pride or ego, you didn’t allow yourself to say sorry.
A. What would happen if you never had the chance?
B. The regret of such a decision has brought many a man to his knees.
C. Lk 15: 13-21 if an apology needs to be made, please make it before it is too late.
3. However, as important as it is to say sorry to those who we love here on earth, we need to make sure that we apologize to the one who we hurt the most.
A. Lk 16: 19-25 the rich ruler pictured here in this parable certainly wishes that he had taken time to apologize for the wrongs he had committed.
B. 2Pet 3: 10 take time to say sorry to the one whom we have most grievously offended.


1. There is an attitude which is seen in this passage which is all too familiar to us today.
A. Notice how he calls for Paul not as a man searching for answers, rather as a man who is simply curious.
B. Also, once he had heard what Paul had to say, he was so arrogant that he sent him away until some later time, as though he were guaranteed that later time.
2. How many of us refuse the invitation time after time, acting as though we are promised more time.
3. Let me ask you, what better gift can you give to your loved ones or God in Heaven, than to know that you are a faithful child of the Lord above?
A. When you’re gone, let your family live with the knowledge that you lived for Christ!
B. While you are here on earth, open the door of your heart and show obedience to the word of the Lord,


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