Friday, June 14, 2013

Father's Day by Rusty Hilliard

Bill Cosby once compared Mother’s Day and Father’s Day by saying: “Mothers are more organized. Mothers say to their children: Now here is a list of what I want. Go get the money from your father and you surprise me on Mother's Day. You do that for me.  For Father’s Day I give each of my five kids $20 so that they can go out and buy me a present——a total of $100. They go to the store and buy two packages of underwear, each of which costs $5 and contains three shorts. They tear them open and each kid wraps up one pair, the sixth going to the Salvation Army. Therefore, on Father’s Day I am walking around with new underwear and my kids are walking around with $90 worth of my change in their pockets.”

There is certainly no arguing the fact that as people we take a different view of Father’s Day and Mother’s Day. For Mom we will go all out, making sure to get her the perfect flower, card, and meal.  For Dad we will frequently throw something together at the last minute, and bank on the fact that he won’t notice.  Allow me to speak to you on behalf of Dads everywhere and tell you, we notice.  The joy that a father feels isn’t attached to gifts, or flowers, or even a meal (BUT A GOOD MEAL DOES GO A LONG WAY TOWARD MAKING US HAPPY).  Instead, the joy of a father is in the laughter of his children, the smile of his wife, and the knowledge that his family is healthy, dry, and fed.

I encourage you to take a moment today, call your Dad, and let him know how much you appreciate all that he does; you will never know how much it will mean to him. -Rusty

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