Saturday, June 22, 2013



Num 14: 24


Intro: "Lou Gehrig’s Story"

            On June 19, 1903, in a suburb of New York City, a baby was born who would revolutionize the game of Baseball.  Henry Louis Gehrig wade nearly 14 pounds at birth.  He was the son of a sheet meddle worker, and a maid.  Gehrig is considered by most to be the best 1st baseman to ever play the game.  For his career he hit 340, with 1,995 RBIs, 493 homeruns, and most astounding of all, he played in 2,130 consecutive games from June 1, 1925 to May 2, 1939. 

            Many people know the account of Gehrig’s streak, and several will remember that the streak was broken in September of 1995 by shortstop Cal Ripken Jr.  What most do not realize is that the streak could have, and possibly should have, come to an end several times during those years.  On at least two occasions, Gehrig was hit in the head by a pitch, knocked unconscious, yet revived enough to stay in the game both times.  During the course of the discovery of the ALS illness that would take his life on June 2, 1941, x-rays revealed that Gehrig had suffered a number of fractures over the course of his playing career.  The reason for his drive, his push, his passion for the game was simple.  Gehrig was fully devoted to his craft and his team mates.

            As the Yankee greats honored him in a ceremony on June 21, 1939, everyone spoke of his dedication to the game he loved so much, and the passion with which he played.  Truly Gehrig was a man who was fully committed to that which he loved.

What an amazing story.  It is no longer so common to see someone approach their profession with this same level of love and enthusiasm.  Let me ask you something however as we turn our attention from the mundane game of baseball, and focus in upon the truly important subject of salvation.  If you were to die today, would those you leave behind say “This was a man or woman who fully trusted Christ?”   Would they speak of the way in which you followed the word of the Lord all the days of your life?  I want to ask you, what would they say about you?  Would they say, oh he or she lived their life fully for the Lord."  

            That is exactly what the Lord himself said of his servant Caleb.  In a time when morale was low, and the children didn't think they would make it, Caleb was a ray of sun in an otherwise dark landscape.

            Well, what does it mean to follow the Lord fully?  How can we do it?  Today, I want us to look at the answer to this question.  I want it to be said of the church that meets here at Central in Haines City that we followed the Lord, all the days of our lives.




1. We know that Caleb did just that.

A. Numbers 14: 9 while in the wilderness, Caleb followed the Lord!

B. Joshua 14: 14 in the land of Cannon 45 years later, Caleb followed the Lord!

2. He wasn't like many of us today.

A. Genesis 19: 26 many of us are like Lott's wife, and turn back to our old life.

B. Galatians 3: 1 many of us are like the Galatians, and allow ourselves to be led astray.

3. How should we be?

A. 1Timothy 4: 12 we should follow him in the days of our youth!

B. Psalm 92: 12-15 we should follow him in our old age!

C. We are first and foremost children of god!!




1. We are told that Caleb followed the Lord fully and wholly.

A. This means that he applied his whole heart to the task.

B. Mark 12: 30 Caleb was the perfect model for what Jesus called the greatest commandment.

2. Again, many in our world today can't seem to understand this concept.

A. 1Kings 11: 4 they become like Solomon and allow others to dictate what they do and think.

B. James 1: 14 many are content to allow their lusts and desires to dictate who and what they follow.

C. James 4: 4 they become like the people James describes, and want worldly approval, rather than Godly favor.

3. How should we live today?

A. Matthew 6: 24 we need to understand that we must make a choice.

B. there is no such thing as a divided heart.

C. You either go one way or the other, but not both at the same time.




1. Though dangers threatened, Caleb never wavered.

A. Numbers 13: 33 he did not fear the giants.

B. Numbers 14: 10 he did not fear persecution from his own people.

2. Today, it is a different story.

A. some are like the multitude that followed Jesus, and simply going along with what the rest of the crowd is doing.

B. Matthew 26: 69-75 some are like Peter and only do it when it is popular.

3. How should we follow the Lord today?

A. Matthew 5: 45 we should follow based upon the word and will of the Lord, not popular trends, thoughts, and opinions.

B. Philippians 1: 21 we should follow with our eyes fixed on the prize. 

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