Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Your Sacrifice by Rusty Hilliard, March 12, 2014

 Hopefully all who read this enjoyed food, fellowship and faith at last Sunday’s potluck and pm service.  If you were not there, I want to revisit the devotion.

In Genesis 4, Adam and Eve are beginning their lives after the fall.  Verses 1-2 reveal that Eve gave birth to two sons named Cain and Abel.  Cain was a farmer, while Abel was a “keeper of sheep.” Even at this early time, man came before the Lord with sacrifice.  These two guys brought sacrifice before God from their different interests.

In verse 4 the Lord respected Abel’s sacrifice, but found Cain’s sacrifice unworthy. The problem is that this angered Cain, which led to the death of Abel at the hands of his brother.

Cain was mad because his offering was counted as unworthy.  Folks the truth is that Cain came to the Lord more worried about what he could get, rather than what he could give.  He was offered correction, but instead of reforming and resolving to do better, he was upset that someone else had done better.

I want to encourage us all to begin showing up looking to give all that we have to the Lord, as well as those around us.  Let’s stop looking to take, and instead approach the throne of the Lord ready to give all that we can.  

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