Friday, March 7, 2014

Article: Letting God Mold You by Rusty Hilliard, March 9, 2014

letting god mold you

Who you are is often defined by where you’ve been and what you’ve done. The past dictates both the present and the future. Should the past have this power to mold and define you?  In Genesis 37, we meet an influencer of secular and biblical events named Joseph, the son of Jacob.  In fact, Joseph was the favorite son of Jacob and Rachel.  Consider the history of Joseph:

Genesis 37:4 Joseph was hated and mocked by his brothers because of the love his father showed to him.

Genesis 37:5 it wasn’t enough to “hate him”, but the brothers actually increased in their dislike of Joseph.

Genesis 37:18 his brothers formed a conspiracy against him.

Genesis 37:24 he was cast into a pit, and abandoned.

Genesis 37:28 he was sold to the Ishmaelite’s, and taken into Egypt.

Genesis 39:12-20 finally Joseph was accused of rape, and thrown into prison.

This is only part of Joseph’s life, but this glimpse shows many difficulties.  Yet he did not allow the challenges of the past become the stumbling blocks of his present. Instead he continued to trust and believe in the God who never left him. (Genesis 39: 21)

Don’t be caught off guard by the present because you were so busy looking at the past.  Let’s take the events, mistakes, missteps, and outright bone-headed choices of our past and allow God to mold us and make us into what he would have us to be.   -Rusty-

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