Sunday, August 18, 2013


NUMBERS 10 29-32

In Numbers 11: 29; we find a rather interesting passage. The Lord has just concluded his instructions to Moses and Aaron as to how they are to construct and properly use the trumpets of silver, which he had commanded them to make.
Following these ordinances, the Children of Israel departed from the wilderness of Sinai, and moved to the wilderness of Paran. As they traveled, the children of Israel moved in a particular pattern. Beginning in verse 13, and concluding in verse 28; we are told the order in which they proceeded.
In verse 29, we read of an interesting exchange. It took place between Moses, and Hobab. Hobab was the son of Raguel, who was the father-in-law of Moses, which coincidently makes him the brother-in-law of the Lord’s chosen leader. The passage is interesting because the conversation which is taking place.
As they have from the moment they left Egypt, the Israelites are moving toward the Promised Land. Here we actually see that Moses is inquiring as to whether or not Hobab and his tribe will join them on this journey.
Notice with me the fact that Hobab actually refuses the offer to come to that long sought for territory.
“I will not go; but I will depart to mine own land, and to my kindred.” (Numbers 10: 30)
It is what follows this proclamation that I would have you notice. Moses states in Numbers 10: 31-32: “And he said, Leave us not, I pray thee; forasmuch as thou knowest how we are to encamp in the wilderness, and thou mayest be to us instead of eyes. And it shall be, if thou go with us, yea, it shall be, that what goodness the LORD shall do unto us, the same will we do unto thee.”
Did you catch it? Moses asked whether or not Hobab and his tribe would enter the Promise Land with the rest of the children of Israel. Hobab replied that they would not be making that journey. Moses then offers reasons as to why they should reconsider.
I want you to think about each and every time that you have invited someone to worship. I want you to recall every instance in which you shared the beautiful Gospel of Jesus Christ with a lost soul. I want to encourage you to call to mind those times in which you have sat across the table from a child, parent, family member, or friend, and begged them to obey God’s word. Now, allow me to ask you this: what were you really asking them? I would submit that you were asking the same question which Moses put forth to Hobab. I would propose that you were making the same inquiry, which we find in the first verse of number 969. You were essentially asking, “DON’T YOU WANT TO GO TO THAT LAND?” Another way of putting it would be: “Don’t you want to go to Heaven?”
Unfortunately, so many in the world today answer in much the same way that Hobab did. Therefore, it is up to you and me to act as their Moses. It falls to us to provide them with the reasons, which they need to see if they are to realize that if they don’t choose Heaven, they are in fact choosing Hell.
As we continue with our sermon series in which we are examining the messages in the songs we sing, we want to consider the reasons which are found in the song, “DON’T YOU WANT TO GO TO THAT LAND?” Contained in the verses of this beautiful song, is all the reason you and I need to desire to do all we can to reach that Heavenly abode.
Join me, and allow me to share with you the reasons why you definitely want to go to that land!


Through the years, man has tried, and for the most part failed, to define love. "Love is passion, obsession, someone you can't live without. Someone you fall head over heels for. Find someone you can love like crazy, and will love you the same way back. (William Parrish, MEET JOE BLACK.)
"To love is to place our happiness in the happiness of another." (Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibnitz) "To love and be loved is like feeling the sun from both sides." (Author unknown) Finally, defines love as: "A deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness."
Now, despite the plethora of definitions, we still don't seem to have grasped this concept. Take for example the fact that The National Center for Healthy Statistics released a report stating that 43% of all first marriages will end within the first 15 years. Well, those are just couples who couldn't make it through those first few difficult years. If they had been blessed with children they never would have divorced. That's the attitude of so many in our world, but the statistics do not support that notion. In fact, in 1997, research conducted by, revealed that more than 1,000,000 children are drug through the pains of divorce each year.
It isn't just couples that are having a problem, but individuals are suffering as well. Each and every day more and more people are experiencing the pain of depression and loneliness. Many even take the ultimate step, and take their own lives. In 2004, the problem of suicide was so great that it actually rose to the number 11 leading cause of death in the US. In that year, just five short years ago, it claimed the lives of 32,439 people. Yes, you heard that right: 32,439 people determined that life just wasn't worth living.
Well, let's ask the question. Why are there all the divorce, separation, and suicide in our society today? I think the answer is alarmingly simple. We just do not understand this whole love thing. Oh sure, we give lip service to it, but according to statistics, we just don't get it. The truth is that we live in a world that for the most part has forgotten how to love. Even more than that, we have forgotten the need for love.
The good news, at least from a Christian perspective, is that God has not forgotten the need or the practice of love. When he saw his creation fall, he understood love enough that he was willing to plan and provide for their needs! (Genesis 3: 15) He understood love enough that even though his children repeatedly returned to evil, he continued to raise up a deliverer to guide them safely home! (Judges 2: 16)
Even today, though we are unworthy, though we have always been unworthy, God has revealed his amazing breath of understanding when it comes to the subject of Love so much, that he was willing to give us his son that we might have eternal life. (1John 5: 11)
Now, imagine with me for a moment, the awesome idea that this God, who understands love so completely, has created a land to which we can go and find nothing but love! That means that there will no longer be depression, tears, sadness, sorrow, death, suicide, loneliness, or pain in any form. (Revelation 21: 4) Instead, God offers us a place, which is lit by his love, without need of sun, or moon, or stars, or even candlestick. (Revelation 22: 5)
The reason for us as Christians choosing to follow the Lord is very simple. We want to see that land. We want to experience that love. The question is, don't you?


Joy is funny. Much like love, we as people have looked for it in almost every imaginable place. In fact, as someone once pointed out, it is easier to state those places where joy cannot be found.
Without question, true joy is not to be found in unbelief. The noted French Philosopher Voltaire, who while not an atheist, did live his life denying the need and essential nature of the Church; once wrote, "I wish I had never been born." That doesn't sound like joy to me.
The famous poet Lord Byron, author of the well-known narrative poem "Don Juan", lived a life of extravagant pleasure. He enjoyed multiple romantic relationships during the course of his 36-year existence. However, this man, this myth, this romantic legend once wrote: "The worm, the canker, and grief are mine alone." Again, I fail to see the joy in his life.
What about power? Surely there is true joy and happiness to be found there. Not according to Alexander The Great, who conquered the entire known world in his day, and was perhaps the most powerful man to ever live didn't find joy in military glory. Instead, he was overheard weeping in his tent, and saying: "There are no more worlds to conquer."
These men seemed to learn that which the Solomon, the writer of the book of Ecclesiastes already new. Whether you are talking about pleasure, romance, or labor: the summation is that there is no joy, only vanity. (Ecclesiastes2: 1, 11)
In that great Old Testament book, we do find the answer as to where joy can be found. In Ecclesiastes 1: 14, the writer reveals to us that: "I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and, behold, all is vanity and vexation of spirit." The answer is that true everlasting joy is to be found above the sun. In a place where the sun’s rays are no longer needed. In fact, it is the land spoken of here in verse number three. We are told that in that land, "There's nothing but joy in that land!"
I love the imagery used in Revelation 21: 2. There we read: "And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband." Think back to your own wedding day. Husbands, do you remember seeing that woman come down that isle? Can you recall the feeling of joy, which sprang up within you? Wives, do you remember seeing that man standing there, looking at you as though you were the only woman to ever draw breath? Do you remember that feeling of unadulterated joy that you felt? Well, that is what we have to look forward too! It is joy everlasting! It is joy without boundaries! It is a land where joy never ends!


Have you ever stopped to consider what a fragile thing peace really is? Did you know that right now, as we speak, the United States is involved in 47 different conflicts around the world? Consider the fact that in our brief history, we have been involved in 15 declared Wars, not including those, which are classified as a military conflict or action.
This is not a new concept, which we are talking about. Think about the fact that the world "WAR" appears in the KJV 225 times, in 220 verses. Throughout our history, man has made war. We have killed and persecuted in every way imaginable.
Now, perhaps you are saying to yourself, "I've never fought in a war, therefore these things don't effect me." Oh brethren, the effects of war are felt far away from the battlefield. The truth of the matter is that the cost of fighting is felt on a personal, communal, societal, national, and even global level. Our aggressive nature has even been felt in our pocket books, as the price tag for our fighting comes due.
In verse number 4, we read of a place where war doesn't reach. We read of a land, which isn't scarred by long ago battles, or recent conflicts. Instead, we have an opportunity to live in the presents of one who believes in peace. Now, I'm sure that there are those who will say, "Yes, but God inspired man to speak of war 225 times, in 220 verses of his holy word." In fact, that is true. However, a search of the scriptures will also reveal that he inspired those "Holy men of God" to record the word peace 429 times, in 400 verses. Do you see the significance?
The idea of peace is preached twice as much as the idea of war. God wants us to know peace, to experience peace, to live in a land of peace! The question for you is, "Don't you want to go to that land where there is nothing but peace?"


There was something about Jesus that often inspired people to want to be near him. For some of them, it followed after he had healed them in some fashion or another. (Mark 10: 46-53, Luke 8: 40-56) However, there are two times in scripture when a man and a woman seem to desire the presents of Jesus almost above bearing.
The first passage is found in Luke 10: 38-42. There we find where Jesus, along with his disciples, have come into a certain village. They then come into the home of Martha and Mary, who were friends of the Christ. When Jesus was come in, Martha began running around preparing the house for her company. However, Mary simply sat at the feet of Jesus. She didn't help, she didn't prepare, and she simply sat and absorbed his wonderful presents. When Martha complained, Christ said that Mary had, "chosen that good part which shall not be taken from her." She wanted to be in his presents so much so, that she was willing to forgo the customs of the day, and leave her home unprepared for her guests.
The second passage is found in John 21: 1-11. In the greater context, we find Christ returning to his disciples. He shows himself while they are out on the sea fishing. The part I want you to notice is found in verse 7. There we learn that the disciple whom Christ loved told Simon Peter that it was Jesus! Then we read: "Therefore that disciple whom Jesus loved saith unto Peter, It is the Lord. Now when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he girt his fisher's coat unto him, (for he was naked,) and did cast himself into the sea. And the other disciples came in a little ship; (for they were not far from land, but as it were two hundred cubits,)"
Here Peter and the rest of the disciples are some 200 cubits from shore. That is roughly 91.44 meters, or 100 yards. Today we would say it was the length of a regulation size football field. Despite the distance, Peter couldn't wait to be back in the presents of Jesus, so he dove out of the boat, and swam for shore. Can you imagine the reactions of the other disciples? They would have surely called out and said, "Peter, we can take the boat!" But, he just couldn't wait any more.
One of the most amazing parts of Heaven will be the fact that Jesus, the Son of God, The King of Kings and Lord of Lord's will be there. How do I know that? Well, as the children's song says, "For the Bible tells me so."
In Acts 7: 55-56, Steven looks up, and sees Jesus at the right hand of the throne of God! What about Hebrews 7: 25, which reveals to us that Christ currently serves as our interceedant! Or, what about 1John 2: 1 which shares with us the amazing news that he stands, at this very moment, in the presents of God, acting as our advocate! Hebrews 9: 24 states that he isn't entered into a Holy place made with hands, but into Heaven itself, there to appear in the presents of God for us! What verse 5 is telling us, is the same thing we learn from Psalms 23: 6. Their David writes: "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever." If it is indeed his house, and if we are privileged to spend eternity therein, then don't you believe that he will be there?
Allow me to level with you. If there was nothing else, no other reason, this should be enough for you to decide that you will live your life according to God's word. This should be enough to convince you that the rewards of Heaven far outweigh the pleasures of sin.
Let me conclude with this question. Don't you want to go to that land? That land where there is nothing but love, joy, peace? That land where you can spend eternity with the one who died for you?

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