Friday, August 9, 2013


JESUS LOVES ME” (by Anna B. Warner)

1JOHN 4: 7-10



        Around 2:00am, on August 2, 1943, Patrol Torpedo Motor Boat 109 (PT109) was standing watch with only one of her engines running in the Blackett Straits.  Her mission was to spot enemy war ships, and raise the alarm.  A brutal attack had taken place the day before which not only caused the loss of a number of other ships, but also knocked out radar for all ships in the area.

        As PT 109 floated along, the Japanese destroyer Amagiri blasted through and rammed into the much smaller motorboat.  Out of the crew, only 2 men lost their lives that night, and the remainder of the men, led by future President John F. Kennedy swam to safety.  For six days the men lived on coconuts, until they were finally rescued.  As the crew boarded the rescue boat and headed for safety, they joined with the natives who were with them, and sang the only song the group collectively knew. 

“Jesus loves me, this I know; for the Bible tells me so. Little ones to him belong, they are weak, but he is strong. Yes Jesus loves me, Yes Jesus loves me, Yes Jesus loves me the Bible tells me so.” 

        In 1860, Susan Warner released a book entitled, “SAY & SEAL.”   The book has long been out of print, but in the course of the book, Mrs. Warner included a poem written by her sister Anna.  During the story, one of the main characters reads a poem to a sick child.  The words to the poem are what we now know as “JESUS LOVES ME.”  In 1862 William Bradbury put the words to music, and over the years many have begun their walk with the Lord by singing those words.  Children learn “JESUS LOVES ME” even before they learn John 3: 16.  In point of fact, we often call this a “children’s song.”  However, the truth of the matter is that when we so quickly dismiss this beautiful work, we do ourselves an injustice.

        This is the second installment in our series in which we are examining the sermons or messages contained in the songs we sing.  You will hopefully remember that we began our study last week by acknowledging the importance of singing.  We pointed out that when we sing, we are proclaiming messages which are for ourselves, those around us, and most importantly, our God in Heaven. 

Today we will continue this series by looking at “JESUS LOVES ME.”   I want to help you to see the real audience, and hear the real message of these wonderful words.  The obvious lesson which comes from this song is that you are loved by the Son of God, but there is a sermon here that we need to acknowledge and live out in our day-to-day lives.


I.                    THE AUDIENCE


A.      First, let’s acknowledge the most obvious audience.

1.       “Jesus loves the children dear; children far away or near, they are safe within his care, every day and everywhere.”

2.        One of our primary goals in the church is to establish the idea to young people that Christ loves them, and wants a relationship with them.

3.        Matthew 19: 14 Jesus made it clear to the apostles that children weren’t to be rebuked, but allowed to come to him.  

4.        1Timothy 4: 12 young people, our encouragement to you is that you allow no man to cause you to swerve from serving the Lord now, but that you will instead let yourself be an example of a savior who loves you so.

B.      The other group for whom this song is so important isn’t always noticed.

1.       2Timothy 2: 3 in Paul’s letter to Timothy, we are called upon to be “a good soldier of Jesus.”

2.        The life of a soldier isn’t easy.

3.        We are on the frontline of the battle against Satan, and from time-to-time we need to hear that someone cares about us.

4.        Ephesians 5: 25 Christ cared so much that he gave his life for us.

5.        In the words to this beautiful song, the Christian soldier hears the message true and loud, that Jesus loves me, and therefore I can and will continue to fight!


II.                  THE MESSAGE  


A.      Once we see the audience, we can lend our ear, and hear the message of the sermon in this great song.

1.       There is actually a two part message that can be heard.

2.         There is a message of COMFORT and CONFIDENCE.

B.      Let’s first examine the message of comfort.

1.       “He will wash away MY SINS”, “Jesus take this HEART OF MINE, make it PURE.”  

2.        In these words we see the need for comfort, because without question these words outline for us the fact that we are sinners in need of a savior.

3.        Romans 5: 8 the comfort for us is that while we were in this sin-filled state, Christ died for us.

C.      Also, don’t miss the message of confidence which rings loud and clear.

1.       “Jesus loves me THIS I KNOW”, “He WILL wash away my sins!”

2.          The confidence is heard in the way in which the singer of this song believes that they belong to one who “WILL” see to all their needs.

3.        Hebrews 4: 16 it is the same confidence that we experience when we come before the thrown of grace with boldness.

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