Friday, May 24, 2013



HEBREWS 5: 12-14


Joe and Grace were introduced by a mutual friend.  After a while, they began dating.  In the beginning of the relationship, everything was amazing!  It almost seemed as though Joe was a mind-reader.  Anything Grace wanted, Joe was there to provide.  He wanted to spend his time with her, and seemingly no subject was too mundane for the two to discuss.

          However, soon things began to change.  Joe started being aggravated by the amount of time Grace wanted from him.  Other things became more important.  Gone were the days when they would set and talk, sharing all that had happened, as well as all that was to come in the future which stretched out before them.  Instead, Joe now begrudgingly gave her 15 to 20 minutes of strained conversation.

          Finally the day arrived when Grace could stand it no more!  “Help me out here a little Joe!”  “I’m not sure what it is that we are doing anymore!”  Joe then exploded out at her saying: “Oh now you want to redefine our relationship!”  “Can’t we just keep going like we’ve been going?”

          You see, Joe just wanted to keep the fun, the neglectful attitude, and the occasional relationship rolling the way it had been, while Grace wanted real and honest commitment.

          I wonder how many Joe’s we have here tonight?  How many people are here, just going through the motions?  How many of you began your relationship with God many years ago, and have just discovered that you are in the same place you started?  You, much like Joe, have been introduced to someone you find fascinating, but are still unwilling to commit TO long-term.

          This morning, I want to get rid of all the Joe’s in this building.  Let’s ask this question, would anyone here advise their children to stay in a relationship where they were being used, abused, messed with, and set aside?  The answer is no.  If we wouldn’t want that for our children, then why do we want it for our God?  Our mission here tonight is to open your eyes to those who are still making a half-hearted commitment, those who are partaking of the milk rather than the meat of the word. (Hebrews 5: 12-14)  I want you to see these folks, and help them.

          There are two things I want to accomplish here today.  First, I want to show you Joe’s profile.  I want to identify this guy for you so that you will know him, and be able to help him.  Secondly, I want to reveal to you why it is so important to make a commitment, and stop dating the Church.  I pray that this lesson will help to open your eyes.  I hope that you will take these things under consideration, and apply it to your own life, as well as reaching out to those around you.

I.                    JOE’S PROFILE

1.       There are three easily identifiable characteristics which make Joe really stand out from the crowd. 

A.      Matthew 20: 17-27 Joe’s primary focus is on himself, and what the Church can do for him.

B.      Jonah 4: 1-3 Joe wants all of the rewards, but none of the responsibility.

C.       Deuteronomy 15: 24 Joe is often quick to criticize, and slow to help.

2.       First, let’s consider the me-first attitude which Joe brings to his relationship with the Church.

A.      Joe’s primary concern is for what the church can do for him, and what benefit it can be in his life.

B.       Mt 20: 17-27 James and John at one time displayed this me-first characteristic.

C.       Mt 20: 17-19 Christ had just revealed the very important reason for his coming, as well as what was to come in the near future.

D.       Mt 20: 20-22 James and John were more concerned with what Christ could give them, rather than what they could and should do for him.

E.        Unfortunately we still have so many in the church today who only come for the benefit to themselves, and not for the benefit that they could be to the kingdom.

3.       Secondly, let’s also consider Joe’s way of avoiding responsibility.

A.      Joe loves the rewards of a relationship, but he doesn’t want to accept the responsibility which goes along with that relationship.

B.       Jonah 4: 1-3 we can see a lot of Joe in Jonah.

C.       Jonah 1: 1 it is obvious that Jonah enjoyed a relationship with God.

D.       Jonah 4: 1-3 it is so sad though to see the way in which Jonah ran from the call of the Lord, and appears to have wanted to remain independent from his responsibilities.

E.        Again, we can look around here today, or think about those whom we know, who love the rewards of being a Christian, but they don’t want the responsibility that comes along with that relationship.

4.       Finally, though Joe is slow to work, he is always quick to criticize.

A.       In this case, Joe likes to tell his mate of the many ways in which she has let him down, but very seldom will you hear him mention his own shortcomings.

B.       It brings to mind the nation of Israel as they made their way through the wilderness.

C.       Deut 15: 24 this is the first recorded complaint issued by the children.

D.       They did very little to help the situation in which they found themselves, but they were always quick to speak against Moses, Aaron, Miriam, and most of all God who had delivered them from bondage. 

E.        Think of all those in the church today who will hardly lift a finger to help, but seemingly have all the answers as to how someone else can make the church better.

II.                  WHY WE SHOULD COMMIT  

1.       First, we should commit to the Church because it was part of God’s awesome plan.

A.      Eph 3: 10-11 all along, God had intended to establish the Church.

B.       Matt 16: 16-18 in fact, the Church was of such importance to God, that his son placed both his name and ownership upon it.

C.       If the church is this important to God, then we should make sure that it is that important to us.

2.       Secondly, we should commit to the Church because of the way in which God still views the Church.

A.      There might be those who would say that God no longer feels that the Church is vital, but they would be wrong.

B.       Matt 5: 13 to God, the Church is the salt of the earth, and provides true flavor to life.

C.       Matt 5: 14 to God, the Church is a city on a hill, providing light for all to see.

D.       Matt 5: 15 to God, the Church is the light which shines for all who are in the house to see.  

E.        If we view the Church in this same way, we will commit in a heartbeat.

3.       Finally, we should commit to the church because of the way in which God has committed to us.

A.      Eph 5: 23 he has committed to lead us!

B.       Eph 5: 25 he has committed to love us, and give himself for us!

C.       Eph 5: 30 he has committed to making us part of him!

D.       Seeing this commitment, we can only conclude that it is indeed time to stop dating, and involve ourselves in a real relationship with God and his Church!

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