Saturday, May 11, 2013



1Samuel 1:1-20


            I want to begin with a basic statement which I feel is factual beyond debate.  My mother is one of the strongest people to ever walk the face of the earth.  She was kind-hearted, patient, loving, fun-loving, and inspirational.  My mom was my maid, teacher, watcher, occasional warden, and full-time best friend.  However, there was something else that mom did that I can never thank her enough for.  She provided me with a fantastic example of what a Christian should be. 

            Today, we take a day to honor our mothers in a public way.  From pulpits across this country ministers are taking the day to say “Thank you for all you do.”  One of the biblical characters which some will choose to examine will doubtless be Hannah, the mother of Samuel.  IN the account of Hannah, we are obviously given a look at an example of a Godly mother, but we are also offered a glimpse at a faithful child of God.  

            Today, I would invite you to join me as we consider the lessons provided us in the personage of Hannah.  I want us to see what lessons we can take from her life, and apply to our own modern day walk with God.  I want you to see how she went about her life, and the example she left for us to see.  She truly showed us how it was to be done. 


1. Hannah, though faithful to both her husband and to god, suffered trials and persecution.

A. 1Sa 1: 1-5 we learn that her womb had been closed, which would have been a point of great shame.

B. 1Sa 1: 6 in addition to this, she also suffered the scorn of her rival.

2. The message that we need to hear is that regardless of how good you are as a mother, wife, or child of god: you will have troubles.

A. Job 1: 21, 2: 8 job was faithful unto death, but he still suffered.

B. John 19: 25 even the mother of Jesus endured great suffering as she stood at the foot of his cross.

3. The important thing to realize is that we shouldn't let anything or anyone deter our trust in the Lord!

A. Hannah could have simply given up, and concluded that serving God was too hard.

B. 1Samuel 1: 18 instead, we are told that she went along her way, and that her face was no longer sad.

C. Hannah no longer felt sadness because she had faith in her God to see her through the hard times.

D. Psalm 115: 10 we should do as David said, and trust in the Lord, for he is our help in times of need, and a shield in times of danger.

E. However, the real question is not, do people of faith suffer, but what do they do when they suffer?


1. It is interesting to notice the language used to describe the prayer of Hannah.

A. 1Sa 1: 10 with a bitterness of soul.

B. 1Sa 1: 10 with weeping and anguish.

C. 1Sa 1: 11 with a heart-felt vowel.

D. 1sa 1: 12 with persistence.

E. 1Sa 1: 13 with her heart.

F. 1Sa 1: 15-16 with all her soul.

G. 1Sa 1: 18 with faith in god.

2. As a good mother often does, Hannah gives us a wonderful example of how people of faith should pray in hard times.

A. Col 4: 2 we should pray fervently, and with our whole sol!

B. Col 4: 2 we should pray with vigilance!

C. 1Jn 5: 14-15 we should pray with faith in God!

D. There are some who might ask, yeah, but what did Hannah's prayers get her?  Further more, where do the prayers of the faithful get them?


1. When we examine the story of Hannah, we can't help but notice the blessings, which she received.

A. 1Sa 1: 19 notice that she remembered to ask for help and god gave it.

B. 1Sa 1: 20 notice that she asked for a son and it was a son, which she received.

2. There is a paradoxical lesson, which people of faith need to bear in mind.

A. First, God might give us what we WANT.

(a) 1Jn 5: 14 it must of course be according to his will.

(b) And, we must abide in his word if we are to receive it.

B. However, we need to also learn that sometimes God gives us what we NEED.

(a) This might not be what we want.

(b) Mt 6: 33 but you can bank on the fact that it will be what you need!

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