Sunday, August 17, 2014

Why We Assemble by Rusty Hilliard

One of the hardest things about writing a bulletin article is remembering when it will primarily be read. At Central the weekly bulletin is available at the worship service each Sunday. This is important because of the purpose that draws us here. 

In last Sunday’s evening service I spoke about the need for us to understand why we are at worship. As I set here in my office on Thursday, I am struck by the simplistic purpose that will call the saints together on Sunday August 17. The purpose isn’t to criticize the sermon, or the song service, or the length of the prayers, or the eloquence (or lack thereof) of the individual who heads the table. Our purpose in coming together isn’t to hear how well the Bible class teachers have prepared their lessons, or even to enjoy a fantastic meal together. Our purpose in coming together isn’t for parties, plans, pleasure, or any other earthly cause.

As you sit reading this article, before services begin, why are you here? From a Biblical standpoint, simply put, we are here to give praise and glory to God. Ephesians 3: 21 states:

“Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen."

Folks, when we come here to worship, we need to come looking to give praise, not looking to what we will receive. I want to encourage you, as our service begins, focus your hearts, minds, soul, and body upon giving all the glory to God. -Rusty

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