Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Normally I come before you at the end of camp, and I attempt to simply wrap things up.  In a way, that is what I will be doing tonight, but with a twist.  Instead of simply saying thanks for coming, and we hope to see you again next year, I want to issue you a challenge. I also want to tell you something that should both pump you up and put you on guard.  Here this week, as the video which you’ve just watched told you, we have spent alt of our time fighting for you.  We’ve given up vacation, day’s off, time, money, effort and so much more just to let the devil know that we will not set by any longer and watch him walk away with you all. For

                Far too long now we’ve done nothing while he has come and taken you all from us.  As adults, brothers and sisters, parents and friends, we are telling you right here right now that enough is enough.  We aren’t giving up on you without a fight. 

                During the course of this week long training, we have thrown a lot of information at you.  We’ve told you that you aren’t in charge.  The general of this army is “I Am!”  He says go, and we say “where?”  What he is looking for is “hard fighting soldiers.”   He is looking for those who will fight the fight even when things get hard. (2Timothy 2: 3-4)  You are the soldier, God is your commander, and that is your chain of command.

                On Tuesday we spoke about the need for you to get in shape.  Getting in shape spiritually isn’t a matter of trusting in the things of this world, but in the Lord our God.  We want you to see, that as Jonathan made a difference in the lives of those around him, so you can make a difference in the lives of those around you, but only if you are fit and ready for battle!

                Wednesday we spoke about the fact that you can’t do this on your own.  Cody told us that the worse attitude that a soldier of God can live with is one that says, “I got this.”   Folks, “I got this” means that you don’t have anything.  You are out of control, and soon you will hit the rocks.  You need an Aaron and a Hur to help us fight off the devil.  Young people, to be grammatically incorrect, “You don’t got this.”

                Finally, yesterday we spoke of the weapons which God has given us.  We spoke of the wonderful blessing of prayer, and the ability which it gives us to call in help which cannot be defeated! (Matthew 19: 26)  We spoke of the blessing of getting HQ on the phone, and saying I need help, and the knowledge that he will answer our cry.  We also spoke of the ability of the word of God to take the devil down every time.  We looked at the way in which Jesus himself proved to us that when you employ the word as your weapon, Satan doesn’t stand a chance!

                Young people, we’ve done all we can for one week.  We have done our best to teach, preach, practice, proclaim, and prepare you for the war which we now find ourselves in.  We have said in both word and deed, that you are important, and that we will fight the devil for you.  Now it is your turn.

                We can do all the lessons, hold all the camps, make all the calls, put together all the videos that we want, but ultimately you have to be able to stand against the wiles of the Devil.  Ultimately it isn’t about what mom and dad, brother and sister, friend and foe do; it comes down to what you will do.  Will you decide to stand and fight, or will you cast your weapon down and fight on the side of that which is against God?  As in the video, the choice is yours to make.  As Joshua said, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”   

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