Wednesday, July 31, 2013






                When I was preparing for this lesson, I could not get my Mother off my mind.  As many of you know, this past week we had a chance to head to Tennessee for a vacation.  We were delighted to spend a few days with my family, and as always, that brought back so many wonderful memories of mom.  We spoke of times when we made her smile, and many other moments when we made her cry.  I experienced flashbacks of times of great joy, and instances of crushing agony.

                One of the most pleasurable memories which swam to the surface of my mind took place as we traveled back and forth to town.  Mom and I did a lot of riding around together.  If I needed to go somewhere, mom was there to take me.  If she wanted to go somewhere, I was there to go.  We had a shared joy which I still have to this very day.  We loved to ride in the car and sing.  When I was a child we would sing along with different artist in popular music, but as I grew older, mom’s taste in music changed.  Soon any time we were in the car, we would listen and sing along with acapella gospel music.  We sang it all.  We sang of the victory in Jesus, as well as the amazing grace of God.  We sang of the deep and abiding love of God, as well as the way in which you can see Jesus my Lord.  We sang of all that the Lord has done for me, and we promised that we would assemble on the mountain.  In fact, as we sat to prepare the songs for her funeral, we made sure to include the song “WE SHALL ASSEMBLE ON THE MOUNTAIN.”  

                The point of this story isn’t to tell you of the many favorite songs of Teresia Hilliard, we don’t have time to list them all.  Instead, the point is to illustrate for you the importance of singing for the modern day child of God.

                Beginning today, and for the next several months, we want to engage in a study of the “SERMONS IN OUR SONGS.”   This series is designed to help us to hear, with fresh ears, the powerful messages contained in the songs we sing.  I know for some, you would say, “I don’t like singing.”   This first lesson is designed especially for you.  I want to take time today to show you how important it is for us to sing out, and lift our voice to God.


I.                    THE SERMON IS FOR YOURSELF


A.      In Paul’s letter to the Colossians, he begins with a fairly innocuous statement, which over the years hasn’t been given the attention it richly deserves. 

1.       Colossians 3: 16 “Let the word of God dwell within you richly.”

2.        Notice here that the first step to spiritual growth is focus and improvement upon you.

3.        Matthew 7: 3 we understand that the first step which we must take is to “behold the beam in our own eye”, before we can assist someone else.

4.        2Corinthians 13: 5 Paul exhorted the church at Corinth to examine themselves, and make sure that they were in the faith.

5.        James 1: 21 in the book of James, we find another encouragement to look at one’s self in the mirror of the word of God, and make the changes necessary to remove all filthiness from your life.

B.      In this sermon to yourself, we find a easily understood idea.

1.        The idea expressed here is that we depend upon God, not the other way around.

2.        What we do here in this assembly is publically proclaim that God was, is, and forever will be the head of all that we do.

3.        Psalm 18: 46 in order to remind us, of this first sermon, let’s sing the song “I WILL CALL UPON THE LORD.” 




A.      Again, notice what Paul says in the book of Colossians.

1.        Colossians 3: 16 “teaching and admonishing one another.”

2.        The second sermon in our songs is meant to instruct and correct those around us, as well as remind them of the commitment which we all have made.

3.        John 13: 35 we do this because we are brethren, and the love which we show one for another reveals that relationship to the world at large.

4.        Ephesians 4: 3 in teaching and admonishing one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, we aren’t fussing and fighting for forms sake, rather we are doing our part to maintain and promote peace.

B.      Again, in an effort to remind us of this crucial lesson, let’s sing “WE ARE ONE IN THE SPIRIT.”

1.       The message from this song is very simple: “We are one.”

2.        The sermon which we preach when we sing this song is that unity may this day be restored, and that we might know one another by our love.




A.      Above all, when we sing, all praise, honor, and glory goes to God in heaven above.

1.       Colossians 3: 16 “Singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.”

2.        The songs we sing first and foremost are to be directed to the God who gave us everything.

3.        Stop and think about the fact that when you sing, you are making a melody which is meant for the God of the universe.

4.        Psalm 95: 3 David sings that: “The Lord is a great God, and a great king above all gods.”

5.        Psalm 150: 1 it really does come down to the fact that our goal and mission should be to praise God.

B.      Few songs capture this idea better than “WE PRAISE THEE O GOD.”

1.       In this wonderful song, we find the author following the pattern for prayer which Jesus set down for us in Matthew 6.

2.        He begins by acknowledging God’s power and authority, and concludes by requesting the help which only the Lord can provide.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Bulletin Cover 07.21.13

The Fresno Kitten by Jason Goldtrap
Every moment is precious which is why the word begins with “m-o-m.” We live in an age of hyper-media saturation: TVs blaring bad news, vile music booming from cars and internet videos celebrating the worst in humanity; but if you look with your heart instead of your eyes you can see the best.
Saturday, June 8, 2013: It was just another house fire in Fresno, California. The family of three made it out in time, the house suffered damages but it was not destroyed thanks to the fire department. Fireman Cory Kalanick was told to look for salvage. His helmet camera showed burned out furniture, singed walls, collapsed ceiling tiles, all of the charcoal signatures of smoke. But as he entered the living room he saw lying on the floor, a kitten.
            All indications were that inferno had claimed one victim. The kitten was lifeless: no heartbeat, no breath, limp. He picked it up, took it outside and grabbed an oxygen tank. Setting the kitten on his glove so it would not be injured by the hot asphalt on the street, he covered its mouth with a mask and began giving it oxygen. He took a rag and poured cold water over it. He gently massaged it. After emptying the tank, after 15 minutes of trying, a miracle occurred, the kitten began breathing. “Lucky”, named by the crew, meowed his appreciation and was happily returned to his family.
            It is human nature to seek life, to rescue a kitten who is coughing, frightened or injured. It is Divine to see beyond the barriers of helplessness and the awful sting of death and bring life.   Most would have given up: Cory Kalanick did not.
            It is human nature to give up when annihilating smoke leaves behind a limp, lifeless victim: when the child you love is arrested, when your husband walks out, when the bills can’t be paid, when a friend betrays your trust, when you are all alone and drowning in tears, “I can’t believe I just said that.”
Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
It is human nature to quit; it is Divine to fervently hope when hope is gone.
Hebrews 7:25b He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them.
This week, if you see hopelessness, pray, get the oxygen and apply water.

Psalm 116:8-9 For You have delivered my soul from death, My eyes from tears, And my feet from falling. I will walk before the Lord in the land of the living. At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Normally I come before you at the end of camp, and I attempt to simply wrap things up.  In a way, that is what I will be doing tonight, but with a twist.  Instead of simply saying thanks for coming, and we hope to see you again next year, I want to issue you a challenge. I also want to tell you something that should both pump you up and put you on guard.  Here this week, as the video which you’ve just watched told you, we have spent alt of our time fighting for you.  We’ve given up vacation, day’s off, time, money, effort and so much more just to let the devil know that we will not set by any longer and watch him walk away with you all. For

                Far too long now we’ve done nothing while he has come and taken you all from us.  As adults, brothers and sisters, parents and friends, we are telling you right here right now that enough is enough.  We aren’t giving up on you without a fight. 

                During the course of this week long training, we have thrown a lot of information at you.  We’ve told you that you aren’t in charge.  The general of this army is “I Am!”  He says go, and we say “where?”  What he is looking for is “hard fighting soldiers.”   He is looking for those who will fight the fight even when things get hard. (2Timothy 2: 3-4)  You are the soldier, God is your commander, and that is your chain of command.

                On Tuesday we spoke about the need for you to get in shape.  Getting in shape spiritually isn’t a matter of trusting in the things of this world, but in the Lord our God.  We want you to see, that as Jonathan made a difference in the lives of those around him, so you can make a difference in the lives of those around you, but only if you are fit and ready for battle!

                Wednesday we spoke about the fact that you can’t do this on your own.  Cody told us that the worse attitude that a soldier of God can live with is one that says, “I got this.”   Folks, “I got this” means that you don’t have anything.  You are out of control, and soon you will hit the rocks.  You need an Aaron and a Hur to help us fight off the devil.  Young people, to be grammatically incorrect, “You don’t got this.”

                Finally, yesterday we spoke of the weapons which God has given us.  We spoke of the wonderful blessing of prayer, and the ability which it gives us to call in help which cannot be defeated! (Matthew 19: 26)  We spoke of the blessing of getting HQ on the phone, and saying I need help, and the knowledge that he will answer our cry.  We also spoke of the ability of the word of God to take the devil down every time.  We looked at the way in which Jesus himself proved to us that when you employ the word as your weapon, Satan doesn’t stand a chance!

                Young people, we’ve done all we can for one week.  We have done our best to teach, preach, practice, proclaim, and prepare you for the war which we now find ourselves in.  We have said in both word and deed, that you are important, and that we will fight the devil for you.  Now it is your turn.

                We can do all the lessons, hold all the camps, make all the calls, put together all the videos that we want, but ultimately you have to be able to stand against the wiles of the Devil.  Ultimately it isn’t about what mom and dad, brother and sister, friend and foe do; it comes down to what you will do.  Will you decide to stand and fight, or will you cast your weapon down and fight on the side of that which is against God?  As in the video, the choice is yours to make.  As Joshua said, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”   

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

True Freedom Sermon Book online

"True Freedom" a book based on the sermon "True Freedom" by Jason Goldtrap is available to view at no cost on Gaylon West's Bible Study Lessons website. Click on the link above.