Friday, April 26, 2013



Ruth 1: 1-22



The following quote appeared in a copy of a newly produced songbook.  The final phrase was to say “when we RISE up”, but instead it came out:   "Praised is the Lord by day and praised by night; praised is he when we lie down and praised when we WISE up."

            While the author of this particular hymnbook didn't mean to include this wonderful phrase, what a great saying it is!  In this one mistake, we find almost more truth than we can handle.  The truth of the matter is that we all should long to praise the Lord, but the sad fact is that we so often lack the wisdom necessary to understand this.

            In this  lesson, using the first chapter of the book of Ruth, I want us to look at two unwise decisions that were made, and the consequences of those decisions.  Then, I want us to consider one very wise choice that was made, and the rewards of that choice.  Hopefully we can learn how to examine the choices that we have to make on a day-to-day bases, and then make a Godly decision.




1. Elimelech faced a very simple decision.

A. Ruth 1: 1 there was a famine in the land of Israel.

B. He could either trust god to provide for he and his family, or, he could take matters into his own hands and do something himself.

C. Foolishly, Elimelech took his family out of the hands of God.

2. There were to be serious consequences for the foolish choice, which he made.

A. Ruth 1: 3 "Then Elimelech, husband of Naomi, died;"

B. Rabbinic tradition teaches that he died either as punishment for greed, or else a lack of trust in God to care for him.

3. Does this sound familiar?

A. In the world today, we face more and more complex decisions.

B. But, in the same breath, we spend less and less time going to God in prayer.

C. Philippians 4: 6 what we should do is instead of pounding our heads against the wall; we should take time to ask for God's help!

D. Hebrews 10: 31 we don't want to find ourselves in the hands of an angry God, but instead we want to be in the hands of a proud Father.




1. Upon the surface, we might not spot the unwise choice, which these brothers made, but with careful study, we soon see that they went against the word of God.

A. Deuteronomy 23: 3 the children of Israel, the descendants of Abraham, were told not to marry the men and women of Moab, the descendants of Lot.

B. 1Kings 11: 1-2 Solomon did it, and lost his Kingdom.

C. Ruth 1: 5 Mahlon and Chilion did it, and lost their lives.

2. Again, are we not still making the same unwise choice today?

A. Proverbs 4: 4 God says, "Hold my word in your heart, and live", and we say, "I am to busy!"

B. Mark 12: 30 god says, "Love your neighbor", and we say, "I'm looking out for number 1!"

C. Romans 10: 14 God says, "Teach my word", and we say, "That's not my job!"




1. Though she had to make certain sacrifices, Ruth's decisions led to magnificent rewards!

A. Ruth 1: 15 she left behind her people's sinful traditions, yet found a new home within God's family!

B. Ruth 1: 15 she had to leave behind Chemosh, the God of the Moabites, but she found favor in the sight of the God of Heaven!

C. Ruth exalted God with her wise decisions, and in return he lifted her up!

2. We need to understand that the same lesson applies to us today.

A. 1Peter 2: 9 he has called us to leave behind our sinful traditions, and to step into his marvelous light!

B. 1Timothy 6: 10 he is pleading with us to leave behind the God's of our society, and embrace our creator!

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