Thursday, May 29, 2014

Take time to be holy

Bulletin cover June 1, 2014

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Friday, May 16, 2014

Bulletin Cover May 18, 2014

Article: Signs in the Church by Jason Goldtrap. May 18. 2014

Thursday, to celebrate my wife Jamie’s 51st birthday, we went to Disney’s Animal Kingdom. While waiting in line for the Kilimanjaro Safaris ride we noticed an inadvertently funny sign, “Please do not throw objects such as film canisters, food or hats onto the savanna.” I chuckled; how many kids today have ever seen a film canister? The sign was a relic. It was relevant when the park opened in 1998, but now it’s old and the message is out of date.

This church has some old signs. “We sing without instruments.” No matter the prevailing opinion at Christian universities, regardless if young people think Sunday morning is dull, even if a piano sounds better, our congregation will worship using only the voice. Colossians 3:16

Another old sign, “Godly marriage is one man with one woman.” No matter the Supreme Court declaration, regardless if it turns some people away, even if we are called “bigots”- this church will honor only holy matrimony.  Matthew 19:4-6

The last old sign has just one word “Modesty.” No matter the changing fashion, regardless if “everybody’s doing it”, even if we’re accused of being too judgmental- this church will rely only on God’s timeless beauty. Titus 2:1-8

If we ever fail to remember these old signs we’ll have a new one: “Closed.” Revelation 2:5                             Jason Goldtrap

Jacob Dolan baptized Monday, May 12, 2014