Friday, February 28, 2014

Christians Eating Out at Buddy Freddy's in Plant City, Florida

Bulletin cover March 2, 2014

Article: Christian Prosperity by Jason Goldtrap 03.02.14

Christian Prosperity
Evangelism in the current American culture is a real challenge. For decades now the media has saturated us with spiritually dangerous concepts: 1. God is a feeling, 2. Church is something you do, 3. Fun is a path to spiritual enlightenment. Add to that portable electronic entertainment, opulence and a lack of discernment and evangelism seems to be impossible but it not insurmountable to those who “walk by faith, not by sight” (2 Corinthians 5:7).
     Christ’s message of hope is timeless. In 1895 Franklin Edson Belden eloquently summarized the Divine Path of Life with these words, “O heart bowed down with sorrow! O eyes that long for sight! There’s gladness in believing, in Jesus there is light.” ‘Come unto Me, all ye that labor, and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.’ Take my yoke upon you and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart and ye shall find rest unto your souls.”  
     Effective evangelism does not necessarily come from the Godly leadership of elders; it springs from the heart of the average Christian who: 1. distinguishes that what he believes is doctrine, not tradition 2. has a clear, pure method to pursue his inspiration, 3. confidently communicates that vision to others.   

     God blesses those who combine conviction and creativity, passion and permanence, constancy and constitution. This is why our church prospers. May the work of God continue to transform lives. May the Church be a shining city on a hill. May fear be a pebble and not a mountain. May God bless His one, true body of believers here on this globe. JG

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Madelin Heredia baptized Sunday, Feb. 16, 2014

The angels in Heaven are rejoicing. Praise God for our new sister in Christ. 

Titus 2:11 For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men,    

Tito 2:11 Porque la gracia de Dios se ha manifestado para salvación a todos los hombres,

Friday, February 14, 2014

Feb. 16, 2014 Bulletin cover

It's never too late for a new beginning through the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ 

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Article: How To Say I Love You, Part 1 & 2 by Rusty Hilliard

How to Say I Love You, Part 1
By Rusty Hilliard
The most commercialized time of year isn’t Christmas, it is Valentine’s Day.  This is when we are told to say I love you through greeting cards and chocolate.  Allow me to say up front, there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG WITH CHOCOLATE!  However, there are other ways to show our love for one another. 
     Modern-day marriage is in trouble; more couples are separating, and ending their journey together.  The following seven tips are from Ron Edmondson. He has been a preacher, church planter, and counselor for several years.  In two articles he offered seven tips to husbands and wives to help and strengthen marriages.  I won’t be offering cards and chocolates to anyone not named Laney, but here are four tips for husbands.  See the things we can do to avoid injuring our wives from an emotional standpoint, then next week we will offer some tips to the ladies.

Include your wife in any discussion; value her input, thoughts, and opinions.

Notice the difference she makes in the household, and in the relationship as a whole.

Respect her as a person and partner.

Lead your house, and provide the spiritual example. (Ephesians 5: 25)
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her,

How to Say I Love You, Part 2

An elderly couple went out for dinner.  There was another couple there. That husband had his arm around his wife. The first wife turned to her husband and asked: “Hank, why don’t you ever do that?” Hank glanced at the other couple, looked at his wife, and said: “Honey I don’t even know that woman.  It would be weird.”

Last week we offered our men a few tips on ways that they can avoid injuring their wives.  In today’s article, we want to help our ladies gain some insight to the men in their lives.

Praise your husband in front of others.  Your spouse is not the punch line of any joke.

If he works around the house, just say thanks.

Remove the “You always phrase” from your vocabulary-it usually leads to an argument.

The point of these articles has been to get husbands and wives to think of the relationship they share.  Love and marriage doesn’t just matter on February 14; love is something that we work on and share every day of our lives.  For an example, look no further than the love which God displays for his children by sending his son to earth. (John 3: 16)

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Antonio Hernandez baptized Sunday, Feb. 9, 2014

Roses on the Sunday Before Valentine's Day

Work Day Feb. 8, 2014